Mybet casino review

Mybet casino review




Rort of a bookmaker - THIEVES

After many years in the gambling industry, this is the first time I have ever been robbed of my money from a bookmaker. After placing a winning exotic bet, I was not paid out a winner due to the bet not transferring from my betslip to my pending bets correctly. When I raised this with customer service they were absolutely useless and closed the chat before I had finished explaining my case. It was not even a big win I missed out on but god forbid it was because these dodgy crooks would have taken me for a ride - do not risk your money with them!!

Date of experience: March 11,

Dont touch them

Where to start, took my 30 pound, i gambled I won a grand total of
thats where the fun started ,verification they want a bill a passport a bank statement and or a photo of driving license and a photo of the card you used to deposit 15 emails later they finally approved me , tried to withdraw and told me i need to send a photo of me holding birth certificate!!! ridiculous sites like this need to be shamed and named clearly intent on making it difficult to get your money back, i know about money laundering but for a profit just criminal they get away with this steer well clear and tell everyone else to do the same

Date of experience: January 26,


THIEVES. First they limited me after first bet, and then they didn't accept anything I sent them for verification, and it was all bills a man can have, and all bank statements I own, in three different banks. So I wasn't able to withdraw not even my deposit, and eventually they locked my account and simply stole my money. AVOID, you have been warned!!

Date of experience: March 30,


AVOID IF YOU WANT TO HAVE EASY ACCESS TO YOUR MONEY. site is ok for the purpose of betting but as soon as you want to withdraw your money every obstacle and trick is used to avoid paying out.

Date of experience: February 01,


Watch out

Watch out! Mybet = big scammers!

Pay attention! Mybet is a scammer site operated by fraudsters.

My story: In I won around euros there after I received a euros bonus on deposit. They then cut all the money. The reason was that someone had previously registered with my IP address.
However, I have "3" Internet access, about 1/3 of all Austrians have it. The IP changes there every day and other people can surf with the same IP at the same time. It's just an arbitrary claim of mybet to scam customers and steal their money.

In addition, not only were the euro bonus canceled, but all profits. I will certainly not put up with it and hire a lawyer. Anyone who has had similar experiences go to wettforum, there is a thread about legal action against mybet.

Date of experience: January 12,

Dont dream you could get your money

They are just doing any thing to not withdrawal my money these mo#÷=r
f#(er doesn't want to retain my money on any coast they just stole from me euro every time I contact them on email he came and ask me a different stupid question.. once he dosent accept a trlefon bill as a address then he dosent accept a scanned document
They just stole my money.. and I know it ..

Date of experience: March 19,


Not trustworthy at all - Do not use!

Not trustworthy at all! Don't waste your money on Mybet.

I paid 40 euro, got 80 Euro because of the bonus. After playing for a few weeks I had Euro and was close to reaching my bonus. Then all of a sudden I was forced to create a new account because they apparently moved from to

I could not take any money with me. My earned money was gone and after a lot of Trouble I got back 39€. So instead of I got back less than what I paid.

Shameless! Never will use them again.

Date of experience: November 21,

Reply from mybet

Hi Job,
it seems our Support was able to help you?
Team mybet


Die systematische Masche von Mybet

Ich habe Erfahrungen mit circa. 30 verschiedenen Wettbüros gemacht (UK, Offshore, Deutschland) und Mybet ist unangefochten an letzter Stelle. Man hört ja so manche Maschen von Wettbüros was Auszahlung und Verifizierung angeht aber Mybet scheint es auf ein neues Level zu treiben. Selbst die Offshore Bookies in Curacao waren einfacher mit zu kommunizieren. Dies benötigt Mybet angeblich zur Verifizierung:
- ID (Normal)
- Wenn ID nicht Personalausweis Deutschland, dann Adressnachweis (Normal)
- Abbildung Kreditkarte (erste 6 und letzte 4 Ziffern) (Nen paar Mal gehabt aber grenzwärtig)
- Selfie mit ID und Blatt mit Datum und dem Wort "mybet" (einmal vorher gehabt aber ohne das Blatt, lächerlich)
- Lohn und Gehaltabrechnung (lächerlich, ein Mal vorher mit nem Exchange gehabt)
- Kontoauszug (siehe Oben)

Es geht um Euro. Alles zusammen = Lächerlich.

Jetzt der eigentlich schlimme Teil. Es wäre kein Problem wenn der Kundenservice "relativ" zeitnah antworten würde. Leider aber vergehen teilweise mehrere Wochen zwischen dem Einsenden von Dokumenten und der eigentlichen Antwort von Mybet zum Verifizierungsstatus. Die Antwort ist hierbei oftmals, dass irgendeine Kleinigkeit mit den Dokumenten nicht stimmt (z.B. nicht alle 4 Ecken der ID sichtbar). Manchmal kommt nur was zurück wenn jemand über den Live-Chat angeschrieben wird (manchmal auch nicht). Nach etwa Monaten warte ich nun also immernoch auf mein Geld.

Ich würde allen, Gelegenheitspuntern und erfahrenen Puntern, raten, von Mybet fern zu bleiben.

I have experience with about 30 different betting companies (UK, Offshore, Germany) and Mybet is undisputedly in last place. You hear a lot of scams from betting companies regarding payout and verification but Mybet seems to take it to a new level. Even the offshore bookies in Curacao were easier to communicate with. This is what Mybet supposedly requires for verification:
- ID (Normal)
- If ID not ID card Germany, then proof of address (Normal).
- Picture credit card (first 6 and last 4 digits) (experienced a few times had but borderline)
- Selfie with ID and sheet with date and the word "mybet" (Had once before but without the sheet, ridiculous)
- Wage and salary slip (ridiculous, had once before with an exchange)
- Bank statement (see above)

We are talking about euros. All together = ridiculous.

Now the really bad part. It would be no problem if the customer service would answer "relatively" promptly. Unfortunately, however, sometimes several weeks pass between sending in documents and the actual answer from Mybet about the verification status. The answer is often that there is something wrong with the documents (e.g. not all 4 corners of the ID are visible). Sometimes only something comes back when someone is contacted via live chat (sometimes not). So after about months I am still waiting for my money.

I would advise all, casual punters and experienced punters, to stay away from Mybet.

Date of experience: March 28,

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